Client Testimonials
My husband got the C19 shots, yet I’m the one who wound up sick! All of my joints were on fire. I had to use a walker or a cane to get around.
Fortunately after 3 remote biophoton sessions, all my pain was gone and I didn’t need a cane or walker anymore!
WendyAfter getting 2 C19 shots for work, I wound up in the ER 3 times within 2 weeks because my heart was beating too quickly. I’m only 22, so it scared me!
I had 3 remote sessions with Christina and my heart issues disappeared!
ChristianCovid 19 gone in ONE day!
Paul says his cancer doctor implied BLT was better than radiation!
Biophoton Therapy
Joyce’s neuropathy from chemo gone!
Biophoton Therapy
Paul’s Afib and High Blood Pressure resolved!
Biophoton Therapy
John’s GERD healed after more than 15 years on Rx drugs!
Biophoton Therapy & Enzyme Therapy
Bill’s tumors disappeared!
Biophoton Therapy
Fluoride poisoning made Rich tired– He has energy again!
Biophoton Therapy
Laura’s ADHD & Narcolepsy Improved!
Biophoton Therapy
Janet’s food allergies are gone!
Biophoton Therapy
Sam’s Colon Cancer Success!
Biophoton Therapy
Lisa has more energy now that her gut is working well!
Loomis Enzyme Therapy
Nurse’s blood and testimonial after V!
Biophoton Therapy
Lisa’s V’s and Aluminum cleared remotely!
Biophoton Therapy
Joan’s Lyme Journey to Wellness!
Biophoton Therapy
Sue’s surprise by Long-distance Sessions
Biophoton Therapy
Peter’s whiplash pain is gone!
Biophoton Therapy
Megan had Crohn’s and now can eat favorite foods again!
Biophoton Therapy and Enzyme Therapy
Laurie’s migraines & cat allergy – gone!
Biophoton Therapylient Testimonials
Joanne’s Seasonal Affective Disorder-Gone!
Biophoton Therapy & Loomis Enzymes